Subscription-based business is centered on the idea of marketing or retailing a product or any service to accept monthly or yearly periodical subscription income. In layman’s words, a subscription business focuses on the way income is earned to enable a single customer to pay several payments for protracted contact to the projected good or service.
Subscription-based business models are dependent on transactional emails as this accelerates their actions and overall processes. What was only a means of sharing merely monthly news collection, offers and discounts vide email message has now graduated to a subscription business? This involves several verticals such as customer notification, reminders, acknowledgments, and even updates on what’s new and what’s upcoming.
People generally make a mistake assuming transactional emails to be only under the financial tag, which means sharing transactional elements–well if we talk of today’s dynamic feature that transactional email portrays–they are versatile and wear many hats depending on the requirement and purpose.
An important segment of transactional email covers the education section, they are a power-packed application tool that educates and are the catalyst in driving sales and generate revenues. To understand how they work–let’s look at the key role of a simple transactional mail:
Email message distribution
What is in and what is out is well shared by transactional emails to the clients and subscribers? Any new offer, discount, or sale messages are critical to be sent to clients, and this job is seamlessly done and at times confirmation of Sale is also resurrected by correct email message distribution.
Confirming order acknowledgments
Most of the mid-level businesses are fully dependent on transactional emails for all their confirmation, feedback, even up-selling a product-these are opportunities created using the confirmation transactional emails.
Business networking
Organizations and local businesses heavily depend on transactional email messages for building a client base and network. This helps them to keep them abreast of the updates and also informed.
With a dependency record of open rate up to 74.89% and higher, transactional emails are concluded to be engaging and preferred by clients. This is evident in the open rate ratio. The more is the open rate ratio, the higher chances of these being more commercially viable and reinstating the fact that your customers /subscribers are honoring your emails and do expect to hear from you.
Research states that transactional emails commands a 74.89% open rate and are one of the most engaging media to reach clients.
The main objective of any business strategy is to ensure your products and services reach the right target audience and yield projected revenue and a positive bottom line. Hence, utilizing the right means and measures to achieve your goal is pertinent. Improving and continuous monitoring of transactional emails aids in great marketing benefits and an increase in revenue earnings. Let us find out how transactional emails benefit us:
Investigations (Feedbacks and Reviews)
How do you map your organization’s performance? How do you rank your brand? These days the task is easy- we understand the above by looking at customer feedback and reviews, these immensely help us get insight and improve the performance. One such factor is known as Net promoter’s score where clients share their feedback and as management, you respond with the steps you have taken to improvise, and if it is appreciating review–thank the client and acknowledge his time and feedback.
How to receive review and feedbacks—You need to simply include a link wherein your message or feedback form will hit the client’s mailbox and the review rating /feedback can be collected.
Recommendations (Word of Mouth)
Happy clients always add a benefit to the business as they are easier to approach to seek feedback and also refer to new clients. Work of mouth is the most effective means of marketing and whilst existing clients refer to their contacts sharing their personal experience, it makes the job simple of acquiring new clients.
Use transactional emails to request recommendations to your happy clients and share a link where they can include the details of friends and family they want to recommend. Perhaps you can include a recommendation advantage or value points- a simple and great way to include new clients on your list.
Subscribers who are well informed about the happenings in your organization or those who and connected in some way or the other are always open to receive opt-ins, we as business marketers will be confident to send them opt-ins so we rest assured our email messages, newsletter or mailers are reaching them accurately without any hurdle.
Transactional emails that pop up options for opt-ins are beneficial as correct email lists help us reach clients and keep them well updated about all that is happening (be it festive sale, a new offer, a new product launch, or SALE) or simply opt-ins for weekly newsletter or News.
Social presence (build awareness)
Remember to include social media handles in your signature–it is almost a mandate for brands. Use the advantage of transactional emails to help follow your brand on social channels (FB, Insta, Tweeter, Quora, or others)Your brand awareness campaigns and customer engagement are fuelled by wide social channels. This drives traffic and leads over time.
Apt Support (direct them)
What this means–support your Landing page with forms or support pages that elaborate your service offerings. This goes a long way as the more effective your approach is–the higher is the integrity. Customers always prefer knowing information and no explanation and hence make it simple for them to understand what all you have in the offer and how they can benefit. Unless you explain what you have to offer–they will not be able to proactively use the product or service. Try to mention the answer to the most common queries–study the trend and include links of the service page to the FAQ page–so they will be directed aptly.
{If you wish to know what Transactional Email means–refer to our blog Effective Transactional Email Design}
Do you still doubt the effectiveness of Transactional Emails?
Being in business, your priority is to reach out to your clients and support them to build and sustain a customer-client relationship. This depends on how much they trust you and remember the more connected they are–it simply sets the right path for customer’s expectation build-up. You might have a great website but the possibility is there is no traffic, but in the case of emails the stats are just in front of you. Your emails are important and if they are well utilized and used in the right momentum and strategy–you will have your client’s data in place and also their expectations and ways to keep them motivated and connected.
Send them welcome email messages a part of courtesy mails, wish them during anniversaries and offer them coupons or product vouchers on their birthdays–these rightfully drafted content in simple welcome email post subscription goes a long way setting the tone right, hence the first impression is the lasting impression.
Make sure you send them email messages or links which make sense to them. Wrong notification and mass mailing can land your email in a spam folder.
Keep your customers and subscribers happy and engaged, notify them when they need to, and remember to send them confirmations and acknowledgment emails through transactional email.