Engineered for enduring emailing worldwide, the functions and features offered by email marketers worldwide are simply vibrant and the most powerful way to connect with your prospect network, potential leads, and keeping the existing database connected. It is quite interesting to know that more than 32.8% of internet users use email for communication (approximately 2.4 billion individuals). This will see an increasing curve in the days to come Trust us–Email is the “next big thing and is”. Business Houses, corporate and non-commercial world exchanges over 200 billion emails each day, and the majority share is used by business email exchanges.
Among those in the business, there’s a strange view that affluent Americans have started deferring investments in business communication, and spending gratuitously on the most important component (Business communication) has splurged to take many forms. The big trend now is there’s some sort of invariable requirement that takes place every day;
When was the last time you heard someone does not have an email?
Doctors, neighbors, health experts, fitness freaks, students, researchers, entrepreneurs, educationists, influencers, designers, retailers–these are people you know without truly ever knowing them. Let’s put it simply–Email marketing is the most responsibly curated business model.
What lands on our mailbox has so much to share and it becomes our responsibility to choose what to read and what not to. What is important for the recipient is to recognize and eulogy then whenever an opportunity is available? Email marketing is a dedicated job amidst giant competitors who are providing services but not enough.
Sustainability, somewhat like millets, has become the new buzzing word, thanks to global conversation and communication. Talking about our own experiences, you must be receiving a heavy number of emails every day (which we all do–nothing new) but the question is how many of them do you open and read–since Email is an integral part of our lives–do we understand how to segment.
Well, the reality is, Email Marketers have a very systematic and organized way of reaching out to the mailboxes since they implement the best practices. Emails from friends, family, business, and your inter-office coordinators keep hitting your account. Email is said to be the “business, rapid channel” of reaching out and communicating. That is the reason why Email Marketers have a big task since smart email marketing tactics will involve few important elements which one must keep in mind to be able to reach the target mailboxes and maximizing leads and conversions.
We decided to share the top 5 email Marketing Best Practices for 2020.
TIP# 1. KNOW where your email hits–the right mailbox.
Understanding the recipient whether Your Email Marketing is Working or not is predominantly decided by the number of successful entries of your email into the right audience mailbox. Because No One Gets Your Emails (How to sort It) Trust me the number of emails [ROI] reflects the success of your email business, on average, email marketing campaigns have the highest yield return compared to others. If not less it is a minimum of 3800% – that means $1 36 ROI for every dollar spent on your email.
How potential is that? Well, honestly there are a lot of loopholes that need to be attended to–for instance be all your emails hitting the right mailboxes–what is the deliverability ratio? No. of emails sent /No. of emails bounced.
What are the factors that determine if email succeeds to reach the inbox?
Our past researches show the only way to make an unquestionable effort is to first check that filters do not mark your email as “SPAM”. Your email will only land on the SPAM folder if you have certain words that the filter scores. Provided your email scores less SPAM–it will be delivered into the mailbox else somewhere into the black hole.
This applies still today. Email providers will only check the open and non-read email replies to check if to allow emails to land on your inbox or not.
Do ask these questions before you plan your email marketing campaign:
- Are they ready to receive our emails? If yes, how many times /week /month?
- Any specific word or code we must avoid
- What types of activities or happenings separates your audience from the overall mass?
You might not be able to identify this for the first time but eventually, you tend to make a trend and with insights and data–you can assimilate your findings and intelligence to program the email marketing campaign in the right manner.
An important point to be considered is conducted testing right from the first address verification through to subject defining, CTA so you are sure you are confident and content with the result, once you have found your winning number–you switch to the next test and this shall continue till you are fully satisfied.
POINT to NOTE; your product might differ or vary from the first and so will the recipient email boxes–a careful email marketer will refrain from shooting the campaign before fully testing the product.
TIP# 2. Test to see what booms

An important point to be considered is conducted testing right from the first address verification through to subject defining, CTA so you are sure you are confident and content with the result, once you have found your winning number–you switch to the next test and this shall continue till you are fully satisfied.
POINT to NOTE; your product might differ or vary from the first and so will the recipient email boxes–a careful email marketer will refrain from shooting the campaign before fully testing the product.
TIP#3. IS your Follow-up status checklist ticked and verified?
Never be overconfident, be prepared to ensure you have fully checked the minute of details. First and foremost, create a checklist with a status update and verification detail with responsibilities assigned.
Conduct a step-by-step checking and ensure before the Email Marketing campaign is launched the entire checklist components have been ticked, verified and queries (if any) sorted with the best solution.
Checking a checklist before sending it is a re-revised process that invites minimum failures.
We’ve compiled a simple checklist that you can refer to, but be sure to add your items :
Our 8 step-by-step Guide

TIP# 4. Select careful stats and metrics

What metrics will work best is important to be identified well in advance–It is just a 10 mins task.
- Open Rate
- Clicks
- Browse to open
- Clicks to submit
Do remember to know what works best for your email, brainstorm the purpose and objective of your email:
- If you want the reader to only read T&C, provide a captivating and bold subject line and quantify your opens.
- If you want to outspread a launch discount mention it clearly (these will be the main metric to keep in mind).
TIP# 5. Mark your email with a brand known Identity

Making your email look like all the previous emails you sent is not necessary, keeps it simple yet highlighted. Emphasize important subjects, body content
IT is very important to ensure you use the right email template by using your brand template, color, font face which ultimately is your brand identity, and creates brand awareness and check the same before sending out.
When we brand our email, it helps our business to stand ahead of the competition. And looks known in the recipient’s mailbox.
Your recipient knows and recognizes your brand, hence it is crucial to make it known so they can associate and recognize your email at one go. It will further help you strengthen your brand presence and network well with existing clients, create potential leads and help get subscribers as well.
What is there for you now?
In case if your company is still confused to use the services of an email marketing service to help you with email marketing services–try our free services of Email marketing for this month (till 15th April 2020) and find out for yourself how to use HandySends professional services can boost your sales.
If you are already in Email marketing service, take a look at our branding tips …..